Losing fear of surfing is important when we want to start this sport, so we decided to share with you these tips you should know.
From Las Dunas Surf Resort we want to share these five important tips to lose the fear of surfing that we have developed with our long experience teaching in our Surfcamps.
Losing fear of surfing: Why does the sea scare me?
The fear of the sea is known as Thalassophobia, a recurring fear of the ocean.
That can lead to anxiety attacks and panic attacks either because of the feeling of loneliness or the fear of danger underwater.

This phobia is more common than it seems.
It is not only the fear of the sea as such but also of the creatures that also inhabit it, big waves, moving too far away from the shore among other factors.
A movie fear
Many movies have promoted the fear of the sea, either with shark attacks, rescues of drifting surfers or cases of drowning or shipwreck.
Are responsible for creating this fear of the unknown that we can find in the ocean.
How to overcome it?
From our experience in Surfcamps we are going to share with you these 5 tips that will help you to lose the fear in surfing:
1. Control anxiety and know your environment:
The first learn to control anxiety, usually people who suffer from anxiety disorders develop panic attacks fear when facing the ocean.
One of the benefits of surfing is to relax the mind:
So before starting your surfing session it is important to clear your mind of all the worries you have at that moment.
These concerns range from some animals that you can get and it is normal that inhabit the sea, the size of the waves, the strength of them, the wind direction and other aspects that you can not control as they are natural.
Our advice is that you know the beach you are going to:
- its waves and currents.
- the period between waves
- security posts.
- among other aspects.
This will give you a sense of confidence and help calm your fears.
2. Mental exercises: The brain dominates everything.
Psychology recommends keeping your mind occupied with positive thoughts to avoid anxious situations.

Don’t think about what can go wrong in the water, opt for imagining positive situations in your surf session :
- Achieving some maneuver you desire.
- Imagining pleasant music
- Visualize positive scenarios of improvements in your technique
- Encouraging yourself to ride a wave,
- among other positive thoughts.
3. Visit the ocean frequently:
Try as much as possible to increase your visits to the sea, either surfing or walking along the coast.
The ideal is that you become familiar with the water, the movement of the waves and analyze how the environment is.
Fears must be faced and you must find the best way that suits you
Take as much time as you consider necessary to slowly overcome each of your fears, nothing bad is going to happen!
4. Go to a Surfcamp:
The fourth tip is to go to a Surfcamp, these spaces have trained staff that will teach you everything you need to know to get started safely in surfing.
From the basics such as apnea, initial maneuvers, basic safety measures and other aspects.
It is important to highlight freediving as a basic skill that you must control since one of the main fears towards the sea is the fear of drowning.
Remember to do this practice with professional equipment in a safe environment.
5. Calm surf spots: A place for you.
The last tip is to go to a solitary surf spot or one that is not so crowded.
This way you will have a secluded beach to yourself where you can take the time you need without pressure to interact with the sea.

One of the common fears is the fear of having an accident against another surfer or getting hit or injured with the surfboards on crowded beaches.
Remember to always be accompanied by someone who has the necessary experience.
These five tips about losing fear of surfing come from our experience in surfing. If you are looking for an incredible place where you can practice quality surfing in the hands of experts.
We invite you to meet us.
We are Las Dunas Surf Resort, we are located on the beach of Aposentillo in Nicaragua, a tropical paradise in Central America.
Located in a privileged position in the middle of the route of the 7 beaches, an incredible place.