When to travel to Nicaragua is important when planning a trip to this Central American paradise. Learn more!
From Las Dunas Surf Resort we have created this list of tips to help you plan your trip to this beautiful country. A geography full of jungle, volcanoes, beaches and colonial cities. You must come to know these lands.
Travel to Nicaragua:
One of the main attractions for tourists, especially backpackers, are its cheap prices and an extensive amount of places to discover, full of history, culture and traditions.
The best time to visit this Central American country is from November to April, when the temperature is practically perfect throughout the territory. This is a guarantee of good weather in the different tourist areas.
The average temperature is 24°, which makes it a perfect option for beach tours, jungle hikes and trips to volcanic areas.
Travel seasons:
The high season for travel to Nicaragua is mostly in the month of November. When the temperature is milder throughout the territory. From December to February the high season is maintained and the temperature rises a little more.

The middle season goes from February to April, in these months the temperature is mild, with no chance of rain, the temperature can become oppressive, so people usually do not travel to this season.
The positive factor is the low influx of tourists on beaches and tourist areas. So you can better enjoy the beaches and waves.
The low season goes from May to October, this is due to the abundance of rainfall throughout the territory. This is when surfers take the opportunity to ride the incredible waves at the beach spots.
Nicaraguan Climate:
Generally the climate of the territory is tropical, with only two seasons: The dry season and the rainy season.
The dry season runs from January to June, with temperatures up to 30°.
Key advice:
Research all the necessary information regarding tourist documentation: visa, vaccinations, etc.
Read about the most important tourist attractions, as well as other wonderful places that Nicaragua has in store for you.
Get information about hotels, main streets and avenues, transportation and other routes. So you can have a general idea of the area.
It is important to know the methods of payment and withdrawal of money, so you can make payments and purchases efficiently.
From Las Dunas Surf Resort we hope to see you soon and that you get to know our incredible facilities. We are located in Aposentillo beach.
Right in the middle of the famous route of the 7 beaches. We have one of the best surf spots in the country.
See you at Las Dunas in our incredible Surf Retreats.