Lifestyle and surfing, are a sample of how to improve our daily life in a natural way through the practice of surfing. Take note.
This week from Las Dunas Surf Resort, we bring you a post related to the quality of life, how the practice of a sport improves it and why you should be surfing.
Lifestyle and surfing:
First, it is important to mention that surfing is a physically and emotionally challenging activity that brings many health benefits. In addition to being an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise, surfing also helps improve strength and flexibility, reduce stress and improve concentration.
Here are some tips to improve your lifestyle and make it more natural through surfing:
1. Start by learning the basics of surfing:
This includes choosing the right equipment, the technique for standing up on the board, how to paddle and how to read the waves. It is important to manage the basics that support the sport, joining a surf school or surf course is an incredible option.
2. Dedicate time to practice regularly:
Although at first it may seem difficult, the more you practice, the easier it will become and the more you will enjoy the experience. The ideal is to do it at least 3 times a week.
Spending time practicing, getting comfortable in the marine environment and improving is of the utmost importance. This will allow you to increase your safety and confidence. In turn, it will improve your technique.
3. Connect with nature:
Surfing is an excellent way to be in contact with nature and feel its strength. Take advantage of this moment to connect with the energy of the water and the sun. Many use this contact to release tensions and worries, a sort of natural therapy.
Getting out of the routine, forgetting about everything and concentrating on the waves and the sea is therapeutic.
4. Learn about marine ecology and sustainability:
As you become a more experienced surfer, it is important to be aware of the importance of protecting our environment and being an advocate for sustainability.
It is mandatory as a surfer to be a protector of the environment. We will spend much of our time in the ocean, and we must be careful to protect and care for it. Environmental sustainability is inherent to surfing.
5. Share your experience with others:
Surfing can be a very social activity, so invite your friends and family to participate! This way, you will not only improve your lifestyle, but you can also create lasting memories with your loved ones.
These have been 5 lifestyle and surfing tips, focusing more on the personal and social. Of course, it also includes improving the quality of your food, quitting harmful habits, training and so on. These, we leave for a future post.
We would like to cordially invite you to visit us at Aposentillo beach in Nicaragua. We are located in the middle of the famous route of the 7 beaches. Our surf retreats are the best choice for you.
Our wonderful facilities are surrounded by beautiful nature. Beaches, jungles and volcanoes await you. Undoubtedly a unique experience that you can not miss.
Come and live the Las Dunas experience!