5 habits of a surfer that you should start practicing if you are starting in this lifestyle or if you want to improve your sporting condition.
Surfing is much more than a sport, it is a way of life that connects not only the physical part, but also our spiritual part and health in general.
When we are part of a surf school or a SurfCamp, we are taught that surfing is much more than riding a board in the water, it is a practice that connects us with the natural and relaxing side of the beach environment.
Habits of a surfer:
In order to achieve the best form and physical condition required by a sport such as surfing, it is convenient to follow some basic rules of nutrition, training, rest and relaxation.
There are 5 daily habits that every surfer must put into practice if he wants to be able to develop satisfactorily in surfing, take note of them:
1. Correct feeding:
The nutritional factor is of the utmost importance, like any sport discipline, it requires a healthy and balanced diet.

The diet should include fruits and vegetables. Eating salads improves your surfing! This is because fresh plant-based foods provide important nutrients for muscles.
2. Recovery time and physical rest:
One of the most important parts of the surfer routine is recovery.
Many times it is neglected to go to a good surf session at the surf hotel or in that spot that you like.

It is important to sleep the 8 hours medically recommended. After a surf session, rest for at least 3 hours.
The day after your surfing day, don’t push yourself too hard if your body feels exhausted. A relaxed session will keep you in shape and increase your stamina.
3. Constancy: A necessary attitude.
It is an obvious thing that we must keep in shape, either with an exercise routine at home or on our favorite beach.
Leave laziness, obviously there will be days when you will feel little desire to surf, however, get up and go to the sea.

Try to train at least 30 minutes a day. Running, swimming, skating or even riding a bike, a workout that maintains your physical capabilities will improve your surfing skills.
4. Good Warm-up:
The 4th place of a surfer’s habits is occupied by the warm-up before and after the surf sessions.
10 minutes before and after will make a notable difference in your abilities, since the body will be ready to give it its all in the waves and afterwards the muscles will be able to relax to rest.
5. Training and education:
You must dedicate yourself to training and improving your skills, both in a Surf School or in a Surf Hotel, which offers surf courses.
Hand in hand with experts in the area, you should always seek to develop your skills in an environment that enhances your skills.

You can have a good surfing experience at Las Dunas Surf Resort, we are located on the beautiful beach of Aposentillo, in Nicaragua.
One of the best surf destinations in Central America.